Projects appraisal
Projects appraisal from a geotechnical perspective. Surveying and monitoring of the engineering status of the buildings and structures.
As stipulated by the effective Rules of preparation and excavation, development and upkeep of the construction sites in Moscow, ratified by means of the Moscow City Government Resolutions dd. 07/12/2004 No. 875-ПП and No. 780-ПП dd. 11/10/2005, the projects envisioning implementation of the underground structures with the depth exceeding 5 m in the already coherent Moscow districts are subject to geotechnical evaluation to be carried out with participation of the NIIOSP specialists.
The scope of the geotechnical appraisal is extended to accomplishing the following objectives:
- Range and quality of geotechnical surveys preceding the facility construction
- Efficiency and reliability of the design solutions related to the foundations of the buildings and structures
- Assurance that the adequate water seal for the substructures under construction is achieved
- Sufficiency and reliability of the structural decisions taken in line with the deep excavation wall construction
- Forecast of the hydrogeologic state change reflecting the situation at the site due to the new construction
- Water drawdown for the needs of construction and protection of the adjacent area against saturation
- Assessment of the new construction impact on the adjacent development. Protective measures to be taken to not allow any adverse effects associated with the new construction
- Justification of the taken technological solutions related to the construction arrangement and special-purpose geotechnic activities performance
In order to obtain the geotechnical appraisal report the following documents should be submitted:
1. Submission letter addressed to Mr. I.V. Kolybin, PhD in Engineering Science, NIIOSP Director, stating among other matters the following information: type of facility, its location and existing relevant issues likely to undergo the given appraisal. The letter shall also contain the company bank details (the customer party) with a view to the subsequent contract signing to proceed with the scientific and technical activities and contact details of the person in charge representing the customer party.
2. Source data including but not limited to the following:
- Topographical survey or situational plan with the reference to the adjacent development and existing utilities
- Report on geodetic survey
- Architectural and structural sections of the project documentation
- Designs of foundations and substructure of the project under development (retaining and load-bearing structures); pit retaining walls
- Design loads to be borne by the bases and foundations, calculation analysis of the foundations and the pit retaining structures,
- Construction method statement
- Brief on engineering status of the buildings and structures located in close proximity
- Status of the existing and anticipated utilities, including water-related
3. Cost of works and services to be executed and rendered shall be estimated on the basis of the state estimate norms (federal, local, City of Moscow) of the project design and special project design activities in the sphere of town-planning.
In case there are no estimate norms available to refer to in view of the individual work items price calculation, the cost of works shall be determined in course of the contract negotiations.
The geotechnical appraisal report shall be issued within the timeframe stipulated by the contract for the scientific and technical activities.
State expert examination of the design documentation and engineering surveys findings
In accordance with Chapter IV Item 32b on Regulations for the State expert examination of planning documentation organization and engineering surveys findings handling (the Moscow City Government Resolution dd. 05/03/2007 No. 145), on a regular basis NIIOSP is involved into the State expert examination.
Glavgoseksperiza (Central office for the State Expert Appraisal Board) and Moskomekspertiza (Moscow Expert Appraisal Committee) submit the sections of the project design documentation and the engineering surveying findings to NIIOSP in order to obtain the expert opinion.
Non-state expert examination of the design documentation and engineering surveys findings
By virtue of Article 50 of the RF Town-planning Code, NIIOSP is entitled to be contracted for the non-state expert examination of the design documentation and engineering surveys findings. Certificate of Accreditation issued by Ministry of Regional Development dd. 26/02/2009 under registry number 77-3-5-007-09 for non-state expert examination of planning documentation and engineering surveys findings.
Expert appraisal of industrial safety
As provisioned by License dd. 17/07/2009 under registry number ДЭ-00-010464 (M) issued by Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Atomic Supervision, NIIOSP is certified to proceed with the industrial safety expert appraisal as follows:
- Expert appraisal of the design documentation for elaboration, construction, enhancement, re-development, re-equipment, conservation and isolation of hazardous facilities;
- Expert appraisal of buildings and structures at the hazardous industrial site.